So easter Sunday was hard for me. I have only been eating healthy for one week. I only strayed off program a bit.
My mom made this cinnamon bun cake that she makes every once in a while. I had a piece of that. I also had a few pieces of chocolate marshmarrow bunnies. Everything else I at was on program. I didn't do to bad.
Tomorrow I have to start working out. I need to get in shape for the mud run that I am doing and for the beach in August.
First thing is first; Training for the mud run. The race is 3 miles long with military obstacles throughout the course. I have to work on my upper body because that is one of my weaknesses. My brother doesn't think that I will be able to do any of the upper body obstacles. I want to prove him WRONG!!!
Second thing I have to work on is my endurance. I was never a good long distance runner. I hate running and everytime I attempt to run, I get hurt. So I'm pretty sure running hates me. I just have to make sure I stretch and ice everyday.
I will keep you updated on how mine doing and get my before pics out there so you can compare them to my end results in August!!