Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tomorrow is Doom's Day!!!

So...Tomorrow I start camp...AHHHH!!!
Kids can be a lot of work.
So it is suppose to rain tomorrow. This is terrible cause then we are at Haverford.
It always sucks when it rains on the first day cause I never know who my campers are!!
Its insane. Plus we don't have the gym at Haverford for the first two weeks so there really is nothing that u can do with the kids!!

Tomorrow also starts my insane training schedule!!!
One thing is for sure...I have got to start P90X again!!
Not looking forward to that tomorrow.
I have got to get my bike fixed so that I can bike to work!!!

I will probably be MISERABLE tomorrow!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 26

So I have been training for the Mud Run for about a week now. I didn't realize how out of shape I'm in!!! I still have about three weeks til the race. I'm just hoping that I can finish and that I won't come in last place.

So a couple of months ago, my kitchen at my house had gotten mice in the cabinets. We were able to get rid of all of them except one!! Well the other day, WE GOT IT!! Here's a pic.

So on thursday, the 24, we had a hail storm where I live. The winds were so strong that it knocked down about 10 tree in my neighborhood alone. My tree in the front of my house fell down. Also, my next door neighbor lost part of there tree!! It was insane. The hail was coming down the size of golf balls!!

This is my neighbor's tree!!

So my garden was doing awesome until that hail storm. I lost some plants and most of my plants have holes in them from the hail storm.

This is one of the jalapeno peppers growing. there are about seven growing so far!! I also have two sweet peppers growing!!

This is one of my tomato plants that I grew for seed. It has gotten really big.

More of my garden!!

These are my cherry tomatoes. I'm just waiting for them to ripen!!

I FINALLY have CORN!!! I have counted about seven ears so far!!

This is my celery. It doesn't seem to be growing like celery. It is getting new leaves but it is not getting any bigger!!GRRRRRRR

More of my garden!!

Corn!!! Look how big it is.

This is one of my bean plants. They finally started to grow!! I also regrew my peas but I think something is killing them again!!

My black beans!!

More of my garden!!

I planted two more black bean plants!!

One of my sunflowers already bloomed and it is not that tall. It looks like my other two are starting to bloom too!!


My fruits of labor

Friday, June 18, 2010

My garden on June 18..I'm excited!!

This is my corn through the fence. It has gotten a lot bigger!!

A pic of my ground plants.

A bigger picture!!

My cucumber plants are getting huge!! There are a lot of cucumbers growing!!

This is the top of my corn!!

More pictures of my corn!! My pea plants and bean plants are finally starting to grow!!

Some green tomatoes. I'm waiting for them to ripen!!

My pumpkin plants have double in size!!

This is my mild pepper plant that still has the pepper on it cause I havent picked it yet!!

My carrots are getting bigger. I have more growing that are smaller!!

My onions are growing well. The one is getting really big!!

More of my garden!!

Black beans from my black bean plant!!

This is my black bean plant. It has gotten really big.

Not sure what this is but i think its arugula!!

I'm growing two more black bean plants!!

This is the top of one of my sunflower plants!!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Some pics of my garden

This is my garden. Its my dog's pen but we don't use it anymore.

This is the front of my garden. I planted my sunflowers in the front to stop the bunnies from eating my plants!! Now I just have to stop the green caterpillars from eating my plants!!!

This is my black bean plant. It is finally growing beans!! I used to have my peas around the outside of it but they got eaten!!

This is my CORN!!!!

This is one of my onions!!!

These are some of my carrots!!

This is my cucumbers!!I'm starting to get cucumbers. I'm EXCITED!!

My first mild pepper!!

They is pretty much how big my garden is. I'm regrowing peas in that tripod. They already started to grow AGAIN!!

This is a plant. I think its brussel sprouts but i'm not sure. If anyone knows, please let me know!

My pumpkin plants are getting big but know pumpkins yet!!