Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday

So easter Sunday was hard for me. I have only been eating healthy for one week. I only strayed off program a bit.

My mom made this cinnamon bun cake that she makes every once in a while. I had a piece of that. I also had a few pieces of chocolate marshmarrow bunnies. Everything else I at was on program. I didn't do to bad.

Tomorrow I have to start working out. I need to get in shape for the mud run that I am doing and for the beach in August.

First thing is first; Training for the mud run. The race is 3 miles long with military obstacles throughout the course. I have to work on my upper body because that is one of my weaknesses. My brother doesn't think that I will be able to do any of the upper body obstacles. I want to prove him WRONG!!!

Second thing I have to work on is my endurance. I was never a good long distance runner. I hate running and everytime I attempt to run, I get hurt. So I'm pretty sure running hates me. I just have to make sure I stretch and ice everyday.

I will keep you updated on how mine doing and get my before pics out there so you can compare them to my end results in August!!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Getting Healthy!!

So Its been 6 days since I started eating healthy. I;m doing good so far but its hard!!

The one thing that I crave a lot everyday is CHOCOLATE. I don't know if the stress of getting healthy/school/work is making the craving even worse. I'm hoping in the next two weeks it will die down.

Anyway, the one problem I'm having is getting the motivation to exercise. I hate working out because it came so easy to me when I was younger.

I have to start running because I have a race in about months. I can't look like a fool. Plus I want to bet my brother in it so bad. I says that he can beat me in a mile now and he eats worse than me. Plus, he is a smoker and hasn't worked out in years(7+).

I have a lot of projects to do for school but I only have one month left!!! Thank God!!
I can't wait to be done.